torsdag 13 november 2014

Sombras - Lucho Gatica

When you've left
the shadows will wrap me
when you've left
with my pain alone

I'll evoke that idyll
with it's blue hours
when you've left
the shadows will wrap me

And in the vague gloom
of the small bedroom
where one chilly afternoon
I gave you my crazy passion

My hands will look for you
my lips will kiss you
and I'll inhale from the air
that smell of roses

When you've left
the shadows will wrap me

And in the vague gloom
of the small bedroom
where one chilly afternoon
I gave you my crazy passion

My hands will look for you
my lips will kiss you
and I'll inhale from the air
that smell of roses

When you've left
the shadows will wrap me

(o envuelto por las sombras=or wrapped by the shadows)

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