lördag 16 september 2017

Que no quede huella - Rodolfo Aicardi

This song that i sing, my friends
is another one about pain,
If you see me crying, my friends
excuse me, please

I have grief and weep in my soul
that i can't hold anymore
Is just that i love her so much
but this was my turn to lose
and now i have to forget her
and tear her out of my soul and of my being

From that love that burns my skin
don't leave anything

don't leave a trail
don't and don't
don't leave a trail
because i'm sure that you, my love, don't even
remember me

don't leave a trail of you
and of the kisses i gave you
to finally convince myself that i lost you

I have grief and weep in my soul
that i can't hold anymore
Is just that i love her so much
but this was my turn to lose
and now i have to forget her
and tear her out of my soul and of my being

From that love that burns my skin
don't leave anything

don't leave a trail
don't and don't
don't leave a trail
because i'm sure that you, my love, don't even
remember me

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